Telegram BOT in Perl



Implementazione in Perl delle API Telegram, con una pseudo autenticazione direttamente via chat.

use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::Telegram::BotAPI;
use syntax 'junction';
use autobox;
use File::Touch;


my $authPassword = "password";

# Dax 2017
# Note

my $api                 = WWW::Telegram::BotAPI->new (  token => 'my-token' );
my ($offset, $updates)  = 0;
my @autorizedIds        = ();
my $authStorage         = "telegramBotAuths";
my @doneMessages        = ('Done.', 'Fatto!');
my @helloMessages       = ('Ciao', 'Hei', chr(0x263a) );

sub ARRAY::contains { any( @{$_[0]} ) eq $_[1] };
sub ARRAY::getRandom { return @{$_[0]}[rand @{$_[0]}] };

#disable buffer
$|= 1;

# check auth storage
if( ! -e $authStorage ) {

# load auth storage
open my $f,"<:encoding(utf8)", $authStorage or die "
 Cannot open $authStorage $!
while( my $line = <$f> ){
        $line =~ s/
        $line =~ s/
        push(@autorizedIds, $line);

# main infinite loop
while (true) {

        $updates = $api->getUpdates ({ timeout => 30, $offset ? (offset => $offset) : () });
        unless ($updates and ref $updates eq "HASH" and $updates->{ok}) {
                warn "WARNING: getUpdates returned a false value - trying again...";

        for my $u (@{$updates->{result}}) {
                $offset = $u->{update_id} + 1 if $u->{update_id} >= $offset;

                if (my $text = $u->{message}{text}) {
                        print Dumper($u);
                        # check auth
                        if( !@autorizedIds->contains( $u->{message}{from}{id} ) ){
                                # get auth
                                if( $text eq $authPassword ){
                                        $api->sendMessage ({ chat_id => $u->{message}{chat}{id}, text => $u->{message}{from}{first_name} .", you are welcome! ".chr(0x1F389) });
                                        push( @autorizedIds, $u->{message}{chat}{id} );
                                        # save into storage the new item
                                        open( my $fh, '>>', $authStorage ) or die "Error when write in $authStorage
                                        say $fh $u->{message}{from}{id};
                                        close $fh;

                                $api->sendMessage ({ chat_id => $u->{message}{chat}{id}, text => "You must first authenticate to chat with me ".chr(0x1F601) });

                        #print $u->{message}{from}{first_name} . " write: $text

                        if(lc($text) eq "ciao"){
                                $api->sendMessage ({ chat_id => $u->{message}{chat}{id}, text => @helloMessages->getRandom() });
                        if( lc($text) eq "uptime" ){
                                $api->sendMessage ({ chat_id => $u->{message}{chat}{id}, text => `uptime` });


DaxTech 2024